Our service to clients
We recruit for a wide variety of mainly UK-based clients across the commerce and industry and financial services sectors. Our clients range in size from multi-nationals to SMEs and even start-ups recruiting their first legal counsel. We source lawyers at all levels, from newly-qualified to General Counsel and with specialist or more generalist in-house experience. Depending on the nature of the project, we operate on a contingency or retained basis.
As one of the few UK consultancies specialising in sourcing lawyers for the in-house market, we know that finding the right candidate involves more than simply matching a skill-set to a vacancy; finding an individual with the right attitude, personality and cultural fit is equally important, and, in our view, crucial to a successful appointment.
For us, finding the right “fit” means providing you with a tailor-made recruitment solution. We take the time to gain a true and complete understanding of your values and individual recruitment needs. Additionally, whilst we appreciate that for many of our clients recruiting lawyers is not something you plan to do every day, our goal is to build strong and long-standing relationships by offering a results-driven service which is both professional and highly personal.